Another productive meeting was had by Tokyo Retro Computer Users to kick off the new year.
– Edoardo repaired Sean’s finnicky (and temporary) PC-8201. A leaky battery and a couple of bad caps were the culprits but it’s well on the way to recovery.
– Sven diagnosed the bejeezus out of his Pi-1541, with the help of Curt, Justin, and Edoardo. Mysteries remain surrounding its behavior but Sven will continue fighting.
– Edoardo brought in his prototype digital to analog RGB converter card, and for a prototype card, it sure looked crisp and clean as it converted Curt’s JR-200 to display on Sean’s PVM.

While not busy with more productive tasks, some of us took turns with Sean’s SC-3000, which he brought along with cartridges for BASIC, Space Invaders, Hustle Chumy, and Shinnyushain Tohru (AKA Mikie in the western world).

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