It was a mere two weeks since our previous meetup, but this was the day in July that worked out best for the most people so we reconvened early this time. Sean brought a beast of a computer with him, the Casio FP-1100. It has an unusual feature in BASIC that allows you to keep up to 10 separate programs in memory. It wasn’t a very popular machine, so for the most part, the games are very simple BASIC games using text mode, but there are a few machine language games with high-res graphics available for the platform as well.

In addition to his soldering equipment, Edoardo brought humans with him this time, introducing two first-time members to the group. One of the new members was Timo, he brought an Amiga 1200 with an 060 accelerator. The purpose was to reflash the accelerator firmware, but that didn’t take long, so we were able to see it in action for a while, as well.

His other friend, Rob, brought an SGI Iris Indigo. Gotta say, we’d never had anything quite like that before. It’s a beautiful hunk of a machine that delivered on its renowned graphic rendering capabilities.

Michelle wins the prize for biggest setup this week, bringing in her PC-8801MA and keyboard… and 14″ CRT! That must have been around 35kg to lug around. We could play some Ys, Star Trader, and Warpman thanks to her efforts.

Curt brought back his Basic Master Level 3 in the hopes that it would actually get used this time, or at least plugged in and displayed. And… it was, this time! Not only that, but Saburo brought a variety of games for the system, resulting in a lot of play time. While not busy playing Refrector or the other game like Refrector but isn’t, Justin put his brain to work on a program to use up all the memory.

Sven brought back his Z80-based PC that was thought to be dead, only to find out that it was fine, just having suffered from a flashing gone wrong. Whew! But he spent most of his time poking around in and on the SGI!

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