We started out with Sean and his MZ-1500 as the only attendees for the first 90 minutes or so, but eventually ballooned up to our highest attendance to date – 13 people and a similar number of machines.
Sean had recently picked up a number of games for the MZ-1500, which he had also brought along. The new ones were all made by Dempa Micomsoft and are mostly arcade/action but also include an RPG, unusual for that system. David spent some time perusing the source code of the game TNT Bomb Bomb (and promptly making a JavaScript implementation of it!), and Edoardo took a look inside and listed the capacitors in case of future repair.

Recent member Joseph attended with his wife Ayako. He brought along his custom disk analysis and dumping device, dubbed Pauline, and analyzed some of Sean’s and Michelle’s disks which had seen better days (mold or dirt). It was quite a spectacle! He had also brought along some chemicals and applicators for treatment and improvement of some of the disks and spent some time explaining his process in detail. And she brought delicious sweets for everyone!

Sven brought in his ever-evolving 8-bit board computer, which now sports its own custom case. It’s really taken on a life of its own! He also brought in his Amiga 1200, which is in need of some repair.

Greg returned after a lengthy hiatus due to returning to Australia for the better part of the past year. He brought back an original Commodore 64 in a case that was sold in Australia so that old breadbin Commodore 64s could look a bit sleeker like the Commodore 64C.

Michelle brought her Apple II for some gaming, especially Wizardry at the request of Orion80. But it was comically complicated to make a Wizardry character disk, and we even had to enlist the help of an Apple engineer to accomplish it!

Andy also brought in his Apple II, so we had dueling Apple IIs!

David and Saburo spent some time performing some in-depth troubleshooting of Saburo’s Phillips Videopac+ G7400. Saburo had also brought a light gun and an MSX -> MZ-1500 adapter so we could attempt to play Real Gunman, but it didn’t quite work out. The light gun may or may not be visible in that slathering of cables.

Tom brought in a ton of MSX games for a fun time on the big-screen TV.

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