Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

This is one of the first games I got for the X68000. It made a big impression on me for its large sprites and vibrant, colorful backgrounds. It plays super smoothly and a great feeling of control, all set to a cool soundtrack.

Here are a few shots of many of the very cool scenes from the intro.

Your character is a giant robot that traverses freely in an omni-scrolling 2D world. You have a variety of weapons at your disposal with which to dispose of your enemies. There is a lot of detail in the background and some complex but fun maneuvers, such as vertical attacks and grappling to swing across large gaps.

Levels 2 and 3 are totally different in design from level 1. You leave the industrial complex of level 1 to walk through a desert and then descend into an underwater maze. Level 3 takes place in a cavern.

By Sean

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