Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

A classic on most any platform, tonight’s game is Boulder Dash on my X1. I feel that the sport is very similar to the Commodore 64 version. The sound effects are nearly identical, the graphics don’t look noticeably different from memory, about the only major difference I can think of is when you start a new level or after you lose a life, there’s a sound that plays while the cave is being prepared on the C64 version that isn’t played in the X1 version. Besides that, one is a dead ringer for the other.

Actually, there’s one big short coming with this port, Or at least there’s something I can’t quite figure out. I can change the starting cave, I can change the difficulty level, and I can change the number of players, but I can’t seem to set the game to use the joystick! Cave D is as far as I was able to get using the keyboard. Those butterflies won’t stand still and die while I stumble with these controls.

By Sean

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