This post turned out very differently from my intention. I just wanted to introduce the X68000 hardware that I currently have. But that will happen later. Once I started typing this out, I realized I wanted to find out one thing – the bottom line. So while I don’t usually talk about exact prices on this blog, this is an exception.
Last summer, I went back to the US to visit my family and friends. One stop on the list of places to go was my friend Chris’s house. I had been sending him pieces to get his own X68000 system, but they had only passed through my hands in transit, I’d never even plugged the system in. Of course, I had interest, but I didn’t pursue it. So when I visited his house, I saw the whole setup, and boy was it impressive.

When I got back home, I had the general sense I was going to get one, myself, but no solid plan. Then one day I saw an auction on Yahoo ending in about two hours. It was an X68000 Pro sitting at 10000 yen with very little time remaining. Operating condition was unknown. I took a risk and got it for 15000 yen. When I received it, I could only confirm that it displayed video, because I had no mouse, keyboard, or software (well, my X1 mouse actually works with it, and the mouse can conjure up a software keyboard, so I was technically just in need of software). This began a convoluted journey to where I am now.
So the next step in the rabbit hole was getting a mouse and keyboard and some games. I found another X68000 (first generation) that also was in unknown operating condition. It was a little more expensive, but it came with a mouse and keyboard, so for 22000, that is considered a pretty decent deal on this usually expensive system.
The X68000 didn’t work, but the mouse and keyboard were fine. They were gray and my Pro was black, so it was a bit of a mismatch, but it got the job done. I also picked up Shanghai at Beep in Akihabara so I could test if it loaded or not. Basically, the X68000 Pro worked fine, but one of my disk drives put scratches in disks. I cleaned it and it got better, but still put minor scratches in disks.
To prevent further damage to disks, I used my HxC emulator. It doesn’t support a lot of games, though, so I kinda hobbled by on whatever it would load for a while. There were some fun games, like Pac-Mania, Dig-Dug, and Columns (a personal favorite from my past), but most major titles for this system like Akumajo Dracula and Daimakai Mura (Castlevania and Ghouls n’ Ghosts in the western world, respectively) didn’t work.
Eventually I picked up a third machine – another X68000 first gen. It was the ying to my yang, a gray system with a black keyboard and mouse! This was expensive at 50000 yen, but it basically worked. As a bonus, it even came with an X68000 Expert box. One drive didn’t work at all, but non-working first gen to the rescue! I put one of the drives from the non-working X68000 first gen into the new one. Bingo! A fully working system. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support the HxC emulator at all and I just couldn’t come to grips with buying the usually expensive software.
So I started selling stuff off. I sold off the broken first gen and the working first gen, superfluous keyboards, mice, and even the X68000 Expert box. I was able to recover most of the money I’d spent, and had a working Pro with matching black keyboard and mouse, and the only limitation was the disk scratching drive, which I avoided by only playing on the HxC emulator.
Then suddenly I happened to luck into good deals on two large batches of games. Suddenly I had 41 original titles on my hands. Using them on the X68000 Pro with it’s scratch-prone drive was problematic, though. Had I known this one was coming, I wouldn’t have sold that working first gen.
Fourth time’s the charm? I bought my most expensive X68000 to date – a fully maintained and working X68000 Expert, guaranteed to work for five days after delivery. It cost a whopping 62000 yen. But I’ve always got some plan brewing in the back of my mind. It came with an extra mouse, a keyboard adapter and PS/2 keyboard, manuals, and a pretty nice joycard. The mouse was a bit broken, but it’s still fairly valuable. The keyboard adapters are pretty valuable. The joycard is nice but I can sell another one and keep this as a small upgrade. And most importantly, I can sell the X68000 Pro. To transition to this machine will not be so expensive
It’s been working super smoothly, and even if I give it a bad disk, the drives themselves are not negatively impacted and don’t need to be disassembled and re-adjusted. It just works. Peace of mind. Almost all of the original games work. So this is the X68000 hardware I currently own. If all goes well, I don’t need to buy another one!
So how much have I put into this system and how much have I received back? Let’s see them numbers:
I bought:
15000 – X68000 Pro
22000 – X68000 first gen (gray, with gray keyboard and mouse)
50000 – X68000 first gen (gray, with black keyboard and mouse and Expert box)
62000 – X68000 Expert (black, with broken mouse, keyboard adapter, and controller)
149000 – Total
I sold:
7500 – X68000 first gen (broken)
43500 – X68000 first gen (working)
31500 – X68000 Pro
14000 – gray keyboard
7500 – gray mouse
5300 – keyboard adapter
6300 – black mouse (broken)
2400 – joycard
3400 – X68000 Expert Box (came with my second first-gen)
121400 – Total
Of course, Yahoo wants their cut. Minus 8.8% to leave me with 110,000. It puts the cost of my X68000 system, including keyboard and mouse, right around 39000 yen. In working order, these systems fetch between about 30000 and 150000 (depending on model and physical condition), so I’d say I didn’t do too bad.
Quite the journey here! What I got out of this post is that:
1. Shipping is pretty cheap in Japan,
2. You still have to spend a sizeable amount to get a decently working x68000,
3. I’m jealous of your x68000 original games collection,
4. The x68000 has some great games even by today’s standards.
Shipping is cheap here, and they have really careful delivery systems. But these prices don’t include what I paid in shipping. On the other hand, it also doesn’t include my “bonuses”, so it sort of evens out.
With my most recent purchase and resale, I’m hoping to bridge the gap a little bit more! But then I suppose I need to start counting my monitor in the purchase price, which gets complicated, because it will be replacing an FM Towns monitor. Although I’ve bought and sold many things, and it evens out to some extent, I kinda do and kinda don’t want to know my running total for the whole hobby.
Some of the games on this system are just phenomenal. I’ll have to make another post with all the games I’m actually keeping. About half of these have been sold!