Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

X1 game spotlight – Mother’s Day edition. Actually nothing to do with mothers or the holiday. Tonight we have Bokosuka Wars. Keep your king alive while advancing into enemy territory. You have an army of knights and peasants to sacrifice, I mean, assist you in your quest. It adds some challenge because of the way the characters move, which characters can cut through which obstacles, trying to surround your king by your army so you don’t risk dying, etc.

Apparently this game is unpopular on the NES? It seems subtly different in gameplay on the X1, but I quite like this game! Not amazing or anything but definitely worth a replay!

By Sean

4 thoughts on “Bokosuka Wars”
  1. People who first played Bokosuka Wars on NES/Famicom, only to end up hating it, reside in the same category as those who hate or cannot understand Hydlide. Both games got subpar ports to that console, too, on top of them being very early design exercises in their genres. I think Bokosuka Wars holds up as a simple, Golden Age of Arcades-ish RTS with a simple and addictive play loop. It also runs much better on X1 than on Famicom, for that matter.

    1. I didn’t know Hydlide made it to the Nintendo world. I am going to venture a guess that it’s Japanese domestic only?

      1. Nope. I remember having Hydlide for my NES as a kid – and for how crappy it was, it was so much fun. The sequel(s) I’m less sure of.

        1. Well how about that. I had never heard of it until about three years ago when I got into Japanese vintage computing.

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